Speaking of refresh, have you ever used a paint sprayer? Those things are clearly made by some sort of evil person. Lauren has a dining table and chairs that we gave her that are over 20 years old. We wanted to change the oak to black table and white chairs. I mistakenly thought using a paint sprayer would be so much easier than plain old cans of spray paint. So, so wrong. I have not been that frustrated and covered in that much paint, ever. I bought a cheaper model and used that first, it worked for the primer then stopped working. Mid- project, thinking a more expensive model would work better, I went to Lowes covered in paint in my really unattractive paint clothes and bought a name brand model. Fail. We ended up going back and getting spray paint to finish the job. Lesson learned. Today I need to return the evil contraption and the paint that we never used. For all that is good in this world, listen to me and just use old school spray paint. They have really bumped up the quality and you get a great finish. The fumes aren't so bad either.
What I am saying friends is, Spring is a perfect time to refresh things outside but inside isn't so bad either.