Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Duck, Duck, or a Goose

On my way into work this morning I must have seen 4 different groups of ducks and geese flying, what I am assuming is south, since I have absolutely no directional skills. I have heard geese every night flying over our house also. I so love fall, with the colored leaves, pumpkins, gourds, smell of wood fires, crispness in the air, the nesting feeling I have, but am so dreading the long, dark, winter days. I would love to be a duck or goose flying somewhere warm, and south. I am destined to be a "snow bird" in my later life.


dizzysnux said...

God is so good to let me be here for all the Fall colors.....I do think that is my favorite too..
I do love Winter ,but will have to forego it this year....Just damp cold Bermuda, hee hee..
Love mom

pammycakes said...

your a bird alright.....but definatly a pretty one.....a white snow goose.....a beautiful white swan.....hmmmm maybe a coo coo bird at times.......ahhahahhhaa