Sunday, October 12, 2008

Family Reunion in Nags Head

We spent the last week in Nags Head, Outer Banks, NC to celebrate Rich's parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary. What a great time of relaxation and getting reaquainted with family we don't see often enough. Her are some photos of our trip.


pammycakes said...

what excellent shots you got's sad it's over already..we had such a wonderful time, laughing, mindless eating,john being chased by ghost crabs, meeting weirdo's at midnight on the beach, and the "great motherload"....wish it could be like that every day of the year!!! i love you!

b. said...

i so love the one of you two in the chair. how'd you get so tiny? ;) we super missed you!

pammycakes said...

i love you too and i love the blog background!!! looking good chickie!