Monday, March 31, 2014

Black Phase

This phase is spent learning all the technical details of being a Military Police Officer. We talked to Garret last night and he said it is similar to being in college. His day starts with PT ( physical training) then most of the day is classroom work and testing. He has an advantage over those that didn't experience college in that he knows how to study and is familiar with that routine. It's not as physically demanding but mentally quite grueling. His Platoon is the top one at his base and even in AIT they are very strict with them. He still won't get his phone except for brief times on weekends. 
He is definitely going to be based in Japan and seems to be looking forward to it. I have been looking at the website for that base and am excited for him and this opportunity. Weather will be warm most of the year and it's on a beach. Sure there could be typhoons and there are volcanos there but I choose to not think of those things right now. There could be worse places. 
I have so many conflicted feelings right now. It feels so final. Do I get rid of all his clothes in his closet now? What about his shoes? He sounds so sure of himself when we talk. I'm glad but he's changed. He would have to. He's been through a lot already. He told Rich basic training was the worst thing he has experienced and will tell us more at some point. Military life is not your typical lifestyle and we really have no reference point. Learning as we go. 
I have come to realize what a valuable gift a college education is. Garret went into the Army with so many advantages to start with and as Chad is trying to find his way, having a degree opens so many doors. Even as he is working at FedEx, if he wanted to, he would have opportunities to advance just because he has a degree and is a hard worker. That's not the path he would like right now but nice to know it's there if needed. I am grateful both boys worked hard and completed college. Not to leave Lauren out, college wasn't for her but she found a trade to work in and is thriving and loves what she's doing. I know college isn't for every one. It's all about finding your niche and running with it. Well for Lauren she should not run when she has scissors in her hand. Just want to be clear. 

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