Rich was talking to someone yesterday about our kids and they said to Rich how nice it must be that they are all grown and practically on their own. Nope, not our thoughts. If you know Rich you would know he is a tough, sarcastic, tell-it-like-it-is kind of guy. You wouldn't know he is very sensitive about certain things and about three things in particular. Start with the letters L, C, and G. He had a moment last night thinking about how much he is missing Garret and the idea of Chad moving away. In our minds we would all live on the Homestead, farm the land, till the soil, and live out our lives frolicking in the fields all together. Nothing about that is happening. Why did we raise independent, confident kids? Why? I am ready for the next phase of my life but it is not looking like it's ready for me. How can you be glad that three things that were happily our whole life for 21 years moving on to make their own life? I know this all is supposed to happen but we are both having a hard time. Look at their faces? These times were the best days of our lives. Hectic, exhausting, sometimes stressful but always, always the best.
How Are My Donkeys?
1 day ago
Okay I am crying right along with you two😢. It's not fun and I changes but I'm not so sure I like it!!! I miss mine every day!!!! We did something wrong!!!, they should want to be couch taters!!! Living off us. Like most children out there!! We love you!!!!
You have me tearing up. Mine have been gone for16 years! I was 40 and lost . My whole adult life was raising children....and I was good at it. I PROMISE a few will always miss those years, but I PROMISE you will learn to love these years too. Watching your adult children grow, become spouses, becoming parents is also amazing. Then comes the icing...grandkids. So keep moving forward and you will be smiling on the inside as well as the outside
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