Sunday, February 8, 2015

Introvert Perspective

My beloved and I went to a friend's surprise party last night. We knew it was going to be a small crowd and we would only know the birthday girl and her husband. I had a conversation with Rich earlier in the week where I stated that he was not to leave my side at any moment. He claimed he has never done that but that was the whole point of the conversation because that has definitely happened before. My worst nightmare is to be stuck in a room with strangers making small talk. Rich assured me he would be attached to my hip for the evening. We arrived and two people were already there and instantly put us at ease and we enjoyed talking to them. 12 more people arrived and we were in a lovely small room and as usual Rich was the life of the party. I don't think there has been one time we have been in a group setting that someone doesn't look at me and say " He must be so much fun to live with." I think I speak for all introverts that comment kind of sounds like perhaps I am NOT that fun to be around. It's really beside the point that, yes, Rich is indeed fun to be around, most of the time. He can work a crowd like nobody's business. It's a gift, I am convinced. On our drive home he said something that was very enlightening. He told me he knows I hate to be the center of attention so he tries to take the spotlight off of me by being who he is in those situations. That is actually very sweet and makes it seem more like a gift than him trying to work the crowd. He's a keeper. 
One gentleman there came up to me as we were leaving and said he told his wife they should be talking to me because I would have much more to say because I am the quiet one. He must be a kindred introvert. 
Also of note, many of my kind might also have an inner Mario that may not be obvious to the common eye. Rich fulfilled his lifelong dream of getting a Corvette and I took it for a spin yesterday. It's a six-speed and although I learned to drive on a stick-shift it's been just about that long since I've driven one. Rich spent some time explaining the intricacies of driving it before I took the wheel. Apparently it's like riding a bike because I owned it and had no problem. He was kind of amazed. I like to surprise him every now and then. Yep, it's the quiet ones you gotta watch.


pammycakes said...

I don't know, I like you in your rental truck!!!! Lol

Justine said...

Sweet car! Tell Rich you want to switch!