Sunday, February 15, 2015


As I am writing this Blizzard Neptune is still making a nuisance of himself. We missed the snow but around 7pm last night roaring winds started and a for real polar vortex descended on us. I get jumpy and anxious when it's this windy. We live around many trees and are usually the first to lose power and we did. All night. It was 50 degrees in our house this morning. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for a house and protection but this really solidifies my hatred of winter. By this time of year I have had just about enough. 
Earlier yesterday we stopped into my parents house to help them with a critter that was trapped in their  chimney. When I say we I mean Rich. He opened the flue and out flew a starling. The last thing I saw it went straight for my dad's head. That's when mom and I ran screaming. It made the rounds downstairs towards the windows until Rich was able to pick it up and take it outside. Mom and I continued to hide for another 10 minutes until we realized it was outside. Glad we could be helpful. 
While I was there, my dad then gave me a box of my favorite chocolate for Valentine's Day. It's a local family-owned store in a not so great part of Harrisburg. He basically risked his life for me. That's how I see it. My dad is the best.
So while we were hunkered down waiting for Neptune, we made dinner here rather than go out for Valentine's Day. We agreed not to get each other cards or gifts. I think if you are both on the same page with this holiday, that is fine to not celebrate it. We love each other and show each other in lots of little ways so why make it a big deal on one day of the year. We did however celebrate with Lobster and scallops. We needed nourishment for the storm ahead. 
With all the time on my hands, Gunner and I took some selfies. Sorry you have to see this. As usual, he steals the show and looks super excited about all of this. 

1 comment:

pammycakes said...

I love gun'r. And you!!!!